Of course it was late Thursday night after eating with Matt Valentine (Microsoft US), Ronald Lemmen (Avanade) & Hans Veldman(Hans Veldman Consultancy Solutions) in heart of Amsterdam. Next morning driving to Rotterdam again...

I remembered the address, because I had been there before, but this was heaven compared to the shabby location of Microsoft Convergence the day before. The weather was good and you had great view over the port of Rotterdam (see photos), really amazing. Good start with coffee and donuts :)
The days was divided in several blocks containing sessions, sometimes focused on sales & technical oriented consultants. A good lunch and nice afternoon and the final of the sessions.
I think I could safely speak for all people who did attend that this day was excellent and looking forward to partner day part II :) More details of the event at CWR Mobility blog

At the end of the day we were invited to join CWR Mobility for diner at Hotel New York, which was delicious & good choice too.
In conclusion a very nice partner event organised by CWR Mobility. An excellent location,food, good and interesting program. And I am now also certified partner (friendlyITsolutions.nl) & trained professional as bonus, what more we can wish for :-)