Alternative for import data in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, or not...

Last week I received some questions about ImportManager Studio from CRM Extensions.

The name didn’t ring any bell, so I started to gather some information about the company and their products. The company is based in Copenhagen Denmark and is specialized in add-ons for Microsoft CRM.

First impression of the website is very good. The site looks very smooth and navigates very easy. You can quickly find your way around their products, find prices, details etc.

Today I received the trial version of the product and going to install it on one of my images. The review will be published in a couple of day, depending on my available time :-)


As you could read in the anonymous comment. It's indeed the same tool as C360 offers only branded differently.

Too bad would have been nice if it was different, but saves me some writting :)


Anonymous said…
It's exact the same software as the c360 Import Manager. c360 got it whitelabeled.
Thanks for your comment!